Monday, July 19, 2010

new students, grades 7

well, th new students are.. kind maybe?
oh yea i wanna tell you somethin, that some guys in grades 7 now are handsomee.
one from sanur bsd(my school) his name is Tristan as long as i remember : P
then the other one from.. i dunno where(?) he's my neighbour thou haha.
his name is fernando everyone call him nando. he's tall, not like me -_____________-
and i think ppl got their named NANDO are a good looking guys haha. i find 2 guys : P are cool named nando i've never talk to them before. even i know them. not good to make a friendship ) : aa. i wish i could stay at the 9 grades with all the good scores : D see ya bloggers smoochies : *

Sunday, July 18, 2010

tommorow :/

tommorow is monday D : yea, back to school.
i dunno what must i bring for the first day at school.
haha. stupid me ; )
i dunno what should i do when i enter my class tommorow.
haha. freaky me : P
well. everything changes.
the class, the teachers, even the students D :
maybe i'll get really bore, or maybe i'll get really happy(hah i hope so)
i don't want it happened : (
but i wish i have a really exciting class : )
with all my new friends.
uwaa. i'm frightening : ( i'm not really good to make a new friendships D :
well huh,D : hah~ let's see what will happen tommorow : /
see ya : D

Monday, May 24, 2010


bule gilla.
haha. tadi gw les sinotip sama Zenia.
terus, disono ada bule dari SPH.
ganteng sih ganteng, tapi suaranya cempreng dan mirip banci.
OMG. bukan mirip sih kayaknya. trus dia minta2 yupi gitu.
-,- untung bukan sama gw. oh please. gw sama dia pake pensil yang sama.
haha. yaudah deh. see ya bloggers. MUAH! :P

Saturday, April 3, 2010


parah abis.

lo tau ga sih =,=
ceritanya tuh gw nge add temen sd gwe.
itu wajar kan? ya kan? abis gwe add ya gw diemin kaya biasa.
ga wallin dy blg thx ato apa.
then haha dy ngajak chat fb.
pertamanya sih santai2 aja eeh. terus ya masa dy blg gini.

"uda punya cowo belom?"
"belom haha jomblo aja"
"mau jadi cewe aku ga?"
"serius nih uda males banget ngejomblo"
"haha. sama tp kan ga enak pacaran kalo g sama2 suka" "impossible banget"
"bikin yang mungkin jadi mungkin"
(abis itu ya gwe cuma ketawa2 doang)
"serius nih masalah hati"
"haha. mungkin nanti ga sekarang"
(gwe coba buat baee baein dia dah)
"intinya km ngebuka hati buat aku kan"
(gwe ketawa lagi)
"serius nih"
(mau jawab "ape kate lo deh" ga enak haduh~ pusing gwe)

terus ya tiba2 dy ngomong gini
"eh nanti dulu deh gw tunda hub ini"
(beddeehh sapa yang mau sama lluu cuy?? tiba2 ngomong gini =,=a)
"ha? maksudnya?"
(disini gwe bener2 ga ngerti)
"ya jangan dulu nanti aja gwe pikir2 lagi"
(tuh liat kan sodara2?? betapa bego dan bodohnya orang ini!tapi gwe masih sabar)
"lah? kita masih temenan lagi ya. ngebuka hati itukan bukan berati gue mau sama lu"
"oh yaudah "
"males ah gwe"
"apaan sih?"
"yaudah ga usa bales lagi"

yaudah gwe ga bales kesel abis gwe dih uda gw coba buat bae karna lu temen sd gwe mala gitu gila sarap sinting miring tu orang ddihh ilfeel gwe sama lu gwe uda suka sama orang lain monyonngg gwe ngebuka hati buat lu tuh boongan doang supaya lu nya ga sakit hattii STUPID! soalnya gwe tau sakit hati tuh kayak gimana makanya gwe bae baein elu =,=" swt abis

Thursday, April 1, 2010

imagine- gLee

Imagine there's no Heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace

You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world

You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one

keren abis. coba liat vidnya*nangis gwe liat itu.

cowo=1x pacaran langsung bisa jadi playboy

ini pengalaman yang seharusnya tidak dicontoh oleh cowo2.

jadi, gw dulu perna pacaran ama seorang cowo yang baru pertama x pacaran. terus abis putus katanya dia depresi gitu. nah ga lama kemudian. kata temen cewe gue yang deked juga sama mantan gue dia sekarang deketin 3 cewe termasuk gue*sekarang gwnya uda ga kayaknya AMIN.haha kata temen cewe gue "kasian si WA dideketin dy waktu dy juga deketin km lg sama 1 orang lagi" tadinya gwe ga percaya dia bisa deketin 3 orang. ckck. mana katanye tu cewe juga suka ama dy. haha. taulah gwe males mikirnya. bukan urusan gwe. cuma sekedar mau ngasi tau aja kalo lo cowo baca post ni jangan sampe kayak mantan gwe. buat cewe juga jangan gituin cowonya. tapi kalo pacaran putus deketin 1 cowo/cewe bolehlah masa ga boleh tp kan parah sampe 3 gitu.

Monday, March 29, 2010

today at SMS

today in the morning my mommy and daddy went to work as same as all day they work. tapi gara gara bosen di rumah, i wanna go with my sister ke sms :D.and, thx God dia mau. padahal biasanya tuh ya, dia play ama temennya.dari jam 10 pagi kita dianterin mommy terus kita shopping2 mulu.
1paper clip
2bread talk
3down tw
4food court
8hobby craft

t the food court we bought some drink cause my sista feel thirsty(she was very noisy i can't hold her anymore)then i bought pepsi and she milo. she finished her drink but i am not. then we went to halleluya shop. thx God disitu boleh bawa minuman. then waktu keluar mo ke strawberry my sista said
"ci, minumannya kemana yah?"
"oh iya! kemana y?"....."oh ia! kayaknya ketinggalan di halleluya deh"
"ya ampunn, yaudah yu balik lagi yuu"
"ah engga ah, males, nanti kan dikembaliin musti di bawa lagi. males aku"
"iya juga yah, yaudah de gausah"

hahaha. gitu. terus ya di paper clip ada pensil buat ngegambar sama ngarsir. itu tuh pensilnya isinya isi pensil semua, item gitu. kan biasanya kita punya pensil kayu isinya kayu sama isinya kan? yang item itu? nah ini tuh itemnya doang diameternya sama lagi kek pensil kayu. terus..

"ni dia, dulu aku punya loh bi pensil kayak gini"
(sambil pegang2 eh, melayang)
"yah harus dibeli dong"
(sambil ngambil dadti lantai pura2 mo beli padahal males abiss)
"udah ci! sembunyiin aja!"
"emang ga diliat orang??"
(bibi liat ke blakang)
"ngga kok ci udah ayu sembunyiin aja!"
"iya deh, hehe"
(jalan jalan ke belakang, taro deh pensilnya dibelakang maenan gede)
"fiuh, uda yu kita kekasir, mau beli apa lagi ga?"
"yaudah, ngga kok"

haha. yah begitulah. that's the first time i do that so sorry >,<
after that we went home by taxi haha (rp12.000) dari sms ke chalcedony depan.


Sunday, March 28, 2010


green t-shirt at koor before. u're cool maybe kinda freak because you laugh with yoursef when there's not funny.but, your eyes make me belive that you are a kind man :D your eyes like tell me that ''there's no sad in me, just come and you can see at the inside'' and i love it so much :D you make me stay fresh at the koor when actually my feet was very very hurt. you make it gone. :D thanks, GREEN T-SHIRT

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

photo(just one?) grr

haha. ini poni rataku. potong sendiri lho. haha

hix, harusnya ada lagi yang mau di uplod photo ttg jogja orangnya ganteng tp kok susah ya uplodnya? aa