Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Hostel in Korea


this is the second post for my trip to Korea.
and I'll be talking about the hostels that I stayed into when I went to Korea.

I've been into Korea twice, in 2012 and in 2014.
in 2012 I stayed in two different hostels and in 2014 in three different hostels.

so, let's begin!

1. Studio 41st Hostel (2012)
     They provide a studio room, you'll get your own bathroom+toilet, kitchen+simple kitchen appliances, and a washing machine (but I didn't use it so you should ask furthermore about it).
     You'll get a free breakfast every morning, like breads, cheeses, hams, jams, butters, eggs, juices, coffees, and teas.
     There will be a map about the neighbourhood too, like cafes or something like that.
     Studio 41st located in Hongdae, and really near from the subway's exit. Hongdae is full of young-kinda-spirit. Lots of clubs, cafes, street arts, street dances, and street snacks (you should try these!). The popular Hello Kitty Cafe is also located in Hongdae.
     The first time I want to find this hostel, I got lost. Maybe I am bad at following the map so yeah. But the first time you walk out from the subway exit, just turn left, and don't go straight furthermore, cause if you do that, you'll get lost. just like me. haha. but, if you get lost, just make sure you write the hostel's address in a piece of paper and just get a taxi. Most of the taxi in Korea has a GPS so yeah, they will find it eventually.
     I don't recommend this hostel if you really want to sleep in a budget hostel. But if you go with a family or you bring your little kids, I really suggest you to stay in here, because the hostel is so comfy and cozy :)

2. Bibim Guesthouse (2012)
     I think they shut down this guesthouse but I will make a review anyway.
     They were just like the other general guesthouse. You'll get your room without bathroom and kitchen in it. The kitchen was downstair and there were two bathrooms in it. plus, you can use the washing machine for free, they give you the detergent too.
     You'll get a free breakfast every morning, like breads, cheeses, jams, butters, eggs, yakult, juices, coffees, and teas.
     You'll get a survival snack too.
     Bibim Guesthouse was also located in Hongdae, and it was like 5-7 minutes from the subway's exit.
     Bibim Guesthouse was so comfy and cozy too. What I also like about this guesthouse was the host. The host was reaaaaaaalllyy kind. His name is Konda, and I called him Konda oppa. you'll get free ride from the exit for the firstime you wanna go to the hostel, and Konda oppa will show you and explain to you a bit about the neighbourhood.
    They also recommend a BBQ restaurant, only for 7000won per person and you'll get so full. really. and it was so tasty. This BBQ restaurant was for travellers. so it wasn't expensive. and if you don't understand korean, you can just show the paper they(BibimGuesthouse) gave you.
    But yeah I think they didn't operate anymore. I actually really recommend this place if you search for a budget guesthouse.

3. Guesthouse 201 (2014)
     For this guesthouse, they will provide traditional korean bedrooms, there is one room with a private bathroom, but there is no toilet. there are two shared bathrooms and toilets right in front of the rooms. so don't worry. They provide a washing machine and a free detergent but they had no iron back then, cause the Host said she left it in her cousin or somebody's house I forgot lol.
     You'll get a free breakfast every morning, but it was so simple, only breads, one egg per one person, jams, butters, coffees, teas, and juices.
     Guesthouse 201 located in Anguk. Anguk area is surrounded by lots of Hanok, Korean Traditional house, and also surrounded by palaces. it's not like Hongdae that really have a strong youth spirit, Anguk is more a like um, like a peaceful place I should say? and it was really great.
     It was really easy to find this Guesthouse, just don't give up. I think it's about 5-7 minutes from the exit. they will give you a map and how to get there with lots of different public transportations like other guesthouses, and I always choose to use the subway, so after you walk out from the subway exit, you should just go straight. you will go accross a street and if you find GS25 (convenient market) it's like a sign that you already near with the guesthouse. watch out for a wood sign that show you the guesthouse, and it will be on your right, go into a small street and you'll find the guesthouse's door on your left, goodluck!

4. TwinRabbit Hostel (2014)
     I think it's more like an aparment more than a hostel, so you'll get a private room with a kitchen+simple kitchen appliances, bathroom with a toilet, and a washing machine, they also provide an iron and free detergent, just ask the host to get the iron and the detergent for you.
     You'll get a free breakfast every morning, but really simple, just breads, jams, butters, juices, coffees, and teas. There is a small cafe in front of the hostel, owned by Twinrabbit too, and you'll get your breakfast there.
     Twinrabbit hostel also located in Hongdae. and here's a problem. it was kinda far from the subway  exit. you can take a walk for about 10 minutes I should say, but don't worry. there is a bus, right from the exit of the subway. a green bus with number 06 on it. and you can take the bus untill you arrive in front of a school, you get down, walk accross the street, go left a little bit, then you'll find the hostel. I recommend you to go with the bus the first time you want to find this hostel. I imagine you bring your luggages and it is so heavy and you should take a walk for 10 minutes, so if you don't wanna get tired, just take the bus first, it costs 750 won. but the walk was really nice too, eventhough it takes about 10 minutes, the surroundings are really great. you'll find so many restaurants, some of them are cheap and good. and if you want to by ddeok, a rice cake, you can also find it along the street, a meat shop, and a small grocery store if you want to cook something. so it's really convenience.

5. Pobi Guesthouse (2014)
    They provide private rooms (and dorms), but without kitchen. so you can't cook in your room.     There is a living room on the highest floor. I think it is in the 5th floor. and you can get your breakfast there, and cook in the living room i suppose. but I couldn't really give you the information about the breakfast, because I don't eat the breakfast, I left too early in morning to catch my flight. sorry!^^"
     Pobi Guesthouse located in Haeundae, just 5 minutes to the Haeundae Beach from the guesthouse, and about 3 minutes to the Haeundae market. Haeundae is a really good area, I explored it just a bit in the afternoon.
     Pobi Guesthouse is kinda far from the exit. I got lost. and I can't really remember how to get there from the exit if you take a subway. I find it with a taxi, because well, the subway is kinda different than it is in Seoul, kinda confused at first, and it was kinda far too. I think it will take about 10 minutes. it is close from the Haeunde Market, so if you find it, you go to the left side of the street and turn left for the second small street there that has a small conveniencestore in front of it. and you'll find the guesthouse.
     If you want to search for a chinese restaurant, that has jajjangmyeon or jjampong, just ask the host on the 2nd floor and they will give you a recommendation, and it was really near from the guesthouse, I think it's about 2 - 3 minutes. and it was sooooooo tasty. there's a package for 1 Tangsuyuk and 2 jajjangmyeons or 2 jjampongs and it costs 16.000won for jajjangmyeon's package and 18.000won for jjampong's package. but they only speak korean, so yeah, I think you can ask for help from the host, to write things that you need to tell in a piece of paper so you can just show the employee in the restaurant if you can't speak korean.
     And I recommend you to walk along the Haeundae Market. it was so fantastic. so many sea creatures there. and if you already reach the end, walk accross the street, and walk along till the end and you can find Busan Aquarium there.

so yeah, there it is.
and it's just my thing, I don't know if it's a tips or not. I always search the hostels in and I will search for the hostel's website. I think it's more convenient if you ask furthermore about the hostel if they have their own website and an email of a contact person.

see you on another post!


Thursday, July 31, 2014



Sama seperti malam-malam sebelumnya, kantuk tak kunjung datang dan otakkupun mulai berfikir macam-macam.
Karena aku tidak tahu harus menceritakan ini kepada siapa, yah, ada baiknya kutulis di jurnal onlineku.

Malam ini aku berfikir tentang Ayahku. Khususnya adalah bagaimana caranya aku dapaat membahagiakan dirinya, yang sudah berumur lebih dari setengah abad.

Ayahku bukanlah seorang yang sempurna, dia mempunyai banyak sekali kekurangan. Terlebihnya pada mendengarkan nasihat orang lain.
Ada saat dimana aku ingin memarahinya, dan mengutarakan pendapatku. Namun, disaat yang sama pula aku tidak tega melihat raut muka seorang yang kusayang, ketika kubentak atau ketika Ia akan menjadi murka kar'naku.
Tak jarang pula diriku menangis sendiri di kamar, hanya karena aku tidak bisa meluapkan amarahku padanya. Aku tidak bisa, dan tentunya tidak tega.
Tentu, aku ingin Ia menjadi manusia yang lebih baik, dan bisa terus bersamaku, menjagaku selalu seperti bayi kecilnya.
Namun kunjung aku beranjak dewasa aku menyadari bahwa akulah yang harus berubah, dan menerima apa adanya Ia. Karena Ia pun, telah menerimaku apa adanya.
Aku tak menyangka hampir 18 tahun akan kuhabiskan hidupku bersamaNya.
Banyak sekali yang telah Ia lakukan untuk diriku, dan aku tak bisa membayar semua itu.
Pengalaman-pengalaman hidup yang Ia telah ceritakan padaku, apalagi ke-garing-annya ketika Ia bercerita menjadi tanda bahwa ia masih menikmati hidup ini.
Kadang aku sedih, melihat Ia selalu berangkat pagi-pagi, pulang sore, hanya untuk membekali hidup keluarga kami.
Ia pun makan tidak teratur, dan selalu berkata Ia sudah makan ketika aku menawarinya makanan yang Ia belikan untukku.
Dan sekarang, ketika aku menuliskan postingan ini, Ia sedang duduk di ruang tamu, memakan indomie goreng yang mungkin telah Ia lahap sampai habis.
Kadang aku tak habis pikir, bagaimana Ia rela berkorban untukku dan keluarga.
Daripada bekerja dari pagi sampai sore, dan sepertinya menurutku agak membosankan, dia bisa pergi melihat dunia.
Daripada memakan indomie tengah malam begini, Ia bisa memakan makanan sehat atau memakan makanan lezat di restoran terkenal.
Kadang aku sedih, karena apa yang kulihat dari mataku adalah seorang lelaki separuh baya yang gemar menghisap rokok dan bermain dengan handphonenya, tanpa menikmati hidupnya.
Namun, sepertinya setelah kupikir lagi, mungkin seperti itulah Ia menikmati hidupnya ini.
Diriku yang sekarang, sedang berfikir bagaimana caranya agar aku dapat selalu melihatnya tersenyum, terlebih karena diriku.
Aku ingin sekali menjadi alasan Ia mematikan putung rokoknya.
Aku ingin menjadi anak yang dapat membuatnya bangga padaku, terlebih bahagia akan ku.
Diriku yang sekarang sedang berjuang, mungkin baru benar-benar memulai perjuangan untuk melakukan semua itu.
Sepertinya terdengar naif, dan aneh.
Seorang anak yang akan berumur 18 tahun meng-galau-kan Ayahnya jam 3 subuh.
Ya, pikiranku ketika jam-jam segini sangat teramat berbeda dengan diriku ketika matahari masih menyinari jalanan di kota.
Cukup seram, dan kadang aku berfikir tentunya untuk tidur lebih cepat agar aku tidak terjebak dengan fikiran yang membuatku tidak dapat tidur ini.
Ya, aku menulis semua ini, hanya untuk mengutarakan fikiran dan hatiku, agar aku bisa tidur hari ini.

hahahaha. sepertinya aku sudah lega dan sudah dapat tidur,
dan ya, setelah Kau melihat tulisan ini, Kau dapat memprediksi bahwa diriku bukanlah penulis yang dapat berstruktur dengan baik, bahkan tulisanku terlihat acak-acakan, dan mungkin Kau tak dapat mengerti inti-inti dari setiap kata yang ku tulis disini.
Namun tidak apa-apa, aku sudah cukup bersyukur Kau mau membaca tulisanku sampai kalimat ini.

Ayah, diriku akan selalu mencintaiMu.


Tuesday, May 27, 2014

what you possibly needed when you come to Korea

hello! \@.@/

I'm sorry I post this a little bit too late than I expected.

I came back from South Korea on 19th of May.
I did my trip from 8th-19th of May. I got my flight arrived in Busan, cause it was cheaper than the one that arrived in Seoul. we rode KTX from Busan to Seoul and just did the trip like anyone else. I'll post a lot of my experiences in Korea later ;)

so hm. i hope this post will help you a little bit if you get a plan to go to South Korea.
these are probably things that you'll need when you go to South Korea.

1. enough clothes. actually.. minimalize it. it would be much better for you if you look up for a hostel or a guest house that provide the washing machine, detergent, and an iron. it doesn't really matter if you wear on the same clothe just like 2 days before, noone knows you there anyway. and your luggage will be much lighter. so you'll get extra space for another important things.

2. camera. you should take pictures there. take as many as you can. really.

3. umbrella. noone can predict exactly when will the rain fall down. just bring the small one. rather than buy it in South Korea, use your money for another things.

4. passport. bring your passport everywhere you go. don't you leave it at your guest house or hostel. you don't know what will happen to you there. so you should be prepare because passport is like your ID card when you go aboard.

5. water bottle. dispenser in South Korea is really easy to find. if you go into a mall, you'll find it and it's free. water in the restaurants is free too.

6. subway map. you can get this in the airport, and this is an important thing to have. the subway is really convenience. and the first time you see the map, you'll get confused but that's okay. this is a tip, the subway doesn't always show the next station or  your destination. but look for the final station or the furthest station there. they always put it in the board. or maybe the big transit station that get a lot of lines there. like City Hall. they put it there too.

7. bring your own toiletries. minimalize them too. like shampoo or toothpaste. but maybe you don't have to bring your own soap because most of the guesthouse provide it. they also provide a shampoo. but in case it doesn't suit your hair or will damage your hair, you should bring your own shampoo.

8. Phone and sim card. you can change your simcard and buy the new one in the airport, or in GS25, the convenience store. I got mine in GS25 and it costs 30.000won. and I used it for 11 days. and it's easy to use too. but, if your phone is locked by a provider, like if you come from US, you can buy a pocket wifi in the airport.

9. chilli sauce. if you love spicy things, and especially those who come from the Southeast Asia like me, we got sambal right? or when we eat at McDonald, we got the sachet one? we will not get those delicious things in Korea. Chilli is expensive in Korea. we should pay extra like 500won for the sachet one in Lotteria. so if you love sambal, bring them.

10. massage cream. we will use our feet like A LOT. your feet will stiff every night if you don't usually use your feet. so the massage cream will help you a little bit.

11. Language. we will be much appriciated if we can talk their language, even just a bit. not to say generally, but still, some people in Korea are racist. but a lot of people are generous so don't be worry.

12. learn their culture. like hand gesture when you recieve money from others, give money to others use your two hands. and when you give your greeting to someone older than you, you should bow. and still, smile is the best weapon. be nice to other people, and greet them alot.

13. be open minded. you should stick up to their culture as you learn about it because you stay in another country. you got your own law and so do they. at least try to be polite and humble :)

14. be brave. gather up your courage, really. when you're lost and you don't know where to go, you can just ask somebody and they will try to help you. and don't forget to say thank you (:

15. last but not least, a complete itinerary. where do you wanna go, how to get there, how much it will cost you, and how long it will take you. it is important to make it as detail as possible so you wouldn't make a big mistake and waste your time there.

here are the things that I think are important :3

hope it will help you, goodluck!


Monday, April 21, 2014



I'm really sorry I abandoned you, again. ;_;

I just finished my National Exams and waiting for the result on May 20th.
and I definitely will be going to pass MUAHAHA.

I came back from Surakarta and Yogyakarta yesterday. 4 days 3 nights trip. a short one but yeah, we were having fun. and because of that trip, I made a big decision. really big. and... bad. for other people. and maybe for me? I don't know. this thing scares me. a lot. because I'm gonna hurt the ones that I love, and care about. and even myself don't know this is a right thing to do or not.

I can't tell you yet about it. like the detail of it. because I wanna make it clear first. I want everybody to know, and I wish they understand. It seems like all of you gonna think I'm a bad person. a reaaaaally bad bad person. and I'm sorry. but I couldn't lie about my feelings. I wish things get settle up really soon. and just moving foward to a better living.

bust btw, I will be going to South Korea from May 8th - 19th : D
I will post a lot of pictures and stories, and please pray for me that it's gonna be a fun, and save trip.

see you later,
