Thursday, May 16, 2013

Garlic Cheese Bread

Hello Bloggers! :3

I finally made something today~

and it was Garlic Cheese Bread. \(^.^)/

I took the recipe from Laura Vitale :3
you definitely should try some of her recipes because they're awesome!

well, it turned out to be.. so-so ;_;
since I didn't have an Italian bread I used Baguette instead of it.
it's just less crispy and salty, but it's still tasty thou :9

and I just took 1 photo when it's done
here it is :3
Garlic Cheese Bread
when I make some of her recipes again, I'll show it to you guys :3

see ya Bloggers! *hugs

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Hello Bloggers! \@.@/

so sorry I didn't post anything lately. ._.
my husband (a.k.a my laptop) died cause of the over capacity.
I lived without it for couple weeks until I got this new hubby. YAY!

well, everything happened so fast,
I passed the Hell Weeks even the Final Exams that been held so early -_-
I didn't do them really well.
just wishing I can pass all the exams and become a grade 12th student :3

I actually want to continue my study overseas,
but I re-thinked about it and I'll go with my country's univ.
the excellent one thou,  HAHA pray for me k ;;)

even though I already passed the final exams,
that doesn't mean that I can get the holiday.
I still go to school until the 14th of June if I'm not wrong.
and I don't really now what will I do -_-
for this week we do some trainings(?) *I don't know how to call it in english ;_;
the topics are Human Trafficking and Communication Skill.
and after that my school will do a Communication Festival (C-Fest)
and after that I don't know what will I do in school.

maybe some students (including me)
who got bad scores in some subject will do an extra study,
to raise our scores in our report card.
well that's the only possible thing I can think :'''D

I'm really bored these days,
I don't know what to do.
I want to cook, but I don't know who'll eat with me to finish up the dish.
I want to go to the mall but I don't know who'll go with me,
and I don't really like to waste my own money *sorry I'm stingy ._.

well, let's meet in another time,
maybe I'll do some post with pictures when I cook
I tell you the recipe and something~

see ya really soon bloggers :3

Monday, April 8, 2013

Welcome Hell Week

Hello Bloggers! \@.@/

let's talk in Bahasa~

udah selama 3 minggu ini gua kayak di PHP-in sama sekolah.
jadi ceritanya, sekolah gua ini (sekolah lain juga deh kayaknya) lagi banyak libur.
kemaren yang pas abis kita selesai libur Paskah itu,
terjadilah yang namanya Hell Week Round One.
Tiap hari ada yang namanya ulangan.
pernah sih free hari Jumat, tapi hari Jumat itu gua ada remed, jadi sama aja -,-
nah, sekarang ini mulai hari Rabu - Jumat,
akan terjadi Hell Week Round Two nya nih.

kalo di kelas temen gua besok(Rabu) mereka akan ulangan Ekonomi 2 bab, Fighting!
kalo di kelas gua, hari Rabu itu ulangan Biologi.
ya sebenernya sih nggak apa kalo ulangan doang.
tapi tugas-tugas yang harus diselesein sebelom ulangannya itu loh.
LKS 2 lembar, suru ngegambar bagian-bagian kulit, telinga sama mata,
disuru ngejelasin mekanisme mendengar dan melihat. HAHAHAHAK
sama ada presentasi KWn yang masi absurd.

hari Kamisnya horror.
pelajaran ke 2 itu Fisika, dan itu ulangan.
Bapak guru gua ini nyelesein materi bab yang bakal diulangan-in cuman dengan,
2x45 menit(2xpertemuan) dan yang dia jelaskan adalah penurunan rumusnya.
"bab ini cuman main rumus doang kok~"
di kamus gua, gaada yang namanya main-main sama rumus,
udah cukup. gua nggak temenan sama rumus manapun, dan gua gak mau kenalan.
dia emang ngasih sih latihan soal. bagusnya gua les, kalo nggak bisa keburu mati duluan.
terus sambung pelajaran ke 3 itu Matematika, ya dan itu ulangan juga.
Matematika di SMA gua itu dibagi jadi 2.
di kelas 10 sih dibaginya Trigonometri sama Aljabar.
tapi sekarang sesuka guru yang ngajar. gua nggak paham pembagiannya.
nah yang bakal ulangan ini tentang suku banyak dan gurunya tuh.. hem.
untuk pass diulangan dia adalah suatu mukzijat yang gua harap akan menjadi kenyataan.
diantara otak gua yang belum menemukan jalannya, ato emang susah materinya.
dan biasanya ulangannya kan 60 menit, berati jam istirahat gua,
yang harusnya setelah jam ke 3 akan diundur. *elusperut*

hari Jumatnya ulangan Matematika yang satu lagi.
tentang ah. gua lupa. yang gua inget dari materi ini cuman,
kita bisa bikin pola batik. tentang garis singgung gitu-gitu deh.
kalo kalian juga udah lupa, mending jangan diinget.
ato kalo kalian belomtau, jangan cari tau dulu. biarkan saja.

hari Sabtunya sih harusnya ada yang namanya Vocational Test.
yah sebenernya sih ini lebih cocok buat anak-anak yang masi galau gitu ya.
yang masih absurd sama masa depan mereka, yang belom tau mau jadi apa.
berhubung harganya cukup menguras kantong celana bokap gua,
dan gua udah tau mau jadi apa ketika gua besar nanti*amin*
jadi ya ngapain ngikut lah. cape juga ngikut gituan.
tapi.. gantinya pelajaran Matematika hiks. HIKS

sebenernya, masi ada 3 ulangan yang udah nunggu sih.
Kimia, Bahasa Indonesia, sama KWn. mungkin Sejarah juga?
Kalo Kimia, kelas udah nge lobby Wali Kelas gua,
yang sekaligus guru Kimia buat ngundur ulangannya.
untungnya Wali Kelas gua cukup perhatian dan nyenengin abis,
jadi dia ngerti perasaan kita yea, terus ulangannya dijadiin pas hari Jumat,
abis anak-anak kelas 12 selesai UAN hari Kamisnya.
nah Bahasa Indonesia kali ini ulangannya cukup (tidak) penting (?)
kata tidak baku sama kata serapan. dari A-Z dari KBBI.
belom tau kapan. begitu juga sama KWn.
tapi gua punya feeling paling juga minggu setelah libur UAN,
yang bakal jadi Hell Week Round Three.

ya... liat aja nanti siapa tau Hell Week nya bisa sampe Round ke - 100.
disaat yang bersamaan juga, helai rambut gua tinggal 100. *ini jayus ohok*

doain ya semoga gua dan anak-anak sekolah gua yang laen bisa selamat minggu ini!

see you soon! :3

Saturday, April 6, 2013

what's wrong with the Language Class?

Hey Bloggers :3

I'm back~

heung~ there's a problem with my school's Language Class.
in my country, usually when you're already in the first year of High School,
you have to choose the class you want to take for the second and last year of High School.
and usually, there are 3 optional classes,
there are Social Class, Science Class, and Language Class.
For several years, the Language Class (in my country) hem.. you can say ..
like reduced in number. Because students think that Language Class is not very important.
But there's still a Language Class in my school.
I am in my Second year of High School and I took a Science Class.
and you can say that I took the wrong path.
I want to take the Language Class because I want to go to the Tourism Department in univ,
but, back then I was still confused between tourism and biotechnology.
and.. my dad seemed to subtly forcing me to go to the Science Class.
well, I take things too lightly and that's why I'm in Science Class now.
and because of that, all of my hard works from now on till I graduate will be useless.
I struggle everyday for NOTHING.
Who the hell will use Physics and Chemistry when they want to take the Tourism Department?

I have friends from the Language Class,
their class is in trouble now,
because there are only 2 first graders (if I'm not wrong)
who chose to take the Language Class and it is not confirm yet.
our headmaster told them that if the Language Class consists of less than 10 students,
the school will dismiss the Language Class.

Well, I have no rights to force anyone to choose the Language Class.
but you should know that schools offer you options because of your future.
the class that you chose should help you when you're in the university later.
not because of your parents, or your pride,
or you'll make no friends if you take a different class from your close friends.
like if you want to be a Doctor, a Researcher, or somebody who works in a lab you take the Science Class.
or if you want to be an Accountant, a Politician, a Lawyer, or a Businessman, you take the Social Class.
if you want to be a Journalist, a Translator, or sb who works in a Foreign Ministry, you take the Language Class.

and a lot of people say that the Language Class is easy, oh really?
they learn Literature, Anthropology, and other languages than English (ofc they learn English too).
all of the 3 options have their own difficulty.

what things you can be proud of if you're in a Science Class?
you say that you're smart?
only in science.
do you know many things about Accounting and Sociology? or Literature and Anthropology?
you don't, do you?
it's all the same.
we learn different things, so they can support us in our future.

and if you take the Science Class,
only because you don't know what you want to be,
and to think it's an easy way out,
you better think about it twice or you'll live with remorse for 2 years.

I'm not convincing you to take the Language Class.
if you don't want to, I don't care.
because I believe you knew what you want to be in the future.
and the class that you chose will support you to whom you'll become later.

just let me tell you this once,

PS: here's a link to make sure you know why language is important. But sorry, the article is in Bahasa.

Monday, April 1, 2013

it hurts.

hey bloggie long time no see huh? 
so sorry for not posting anything lately. 
hum. just let's go straight into the main topic.
my boyfriend and I broke up and I can't forget him.
it's like.. it sucks. so damn fucking sucks. 
I don't know what should I do to make this kind of feelings gone. 
I just. I'm trying, ok? but then I realized, I can't do it. at the first time. 
I thought "it's alright. it will be just fine" but then it's not. 
well, it was just one month and a half I think. 
it's not like it was already one year or something, it's not like we had so much memories together or what. but why I can't forget him? 
being in this kind of relationship with him is also a kind of impossible for me. 
I never thought that I could be with him. 
I admired him, for such a long time. I'm just keep it shut. so noone know. HA. 
I also don't like being in such a long distance relationship. but wth I can do it if it's with him. ofc I missed him. I want to met him. but, even thou it was like that, I still love(d) him. up till now I guess. 
there was a time when we already broke up, he told me, 'I can't be with you' and when I knew that, I thought "this should be the reason I must start to let him go" but it didn't work. 
I asked him what should I do so I can forget you? 
but he replied, "I didn't say you should forget me" that's weird. 
he knows what I feel about him. 
ah! but maybe he doesn't know that I SUFFER from this feeling I have to him. 
It's not fair. he can be happy right now. 
and there is me, who still struggling to find a way to make this feeling stop. 
I don't the fucking know what the heck that I want. 
I don't know what the hell that I'm waiting for. 
I don't know anything that is wrong with my feelings. 
I just want this to stop. I just can't stand this kind of suffering anymore. It hurts me too much. 
 I can still be happy. 
but when I'm alone there's something wrong with me. there's something broken and it's permanent. 
I can forget about the hole in my chest, but it's not going to be disappear. 
and that's the reason why I'm still like this until now.
because I don't know what thing will make that hole disappear.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

there's nothing to be sad about, is it?

Hello bloggers!

so actually, with my stupidity I accidentally deleted this post. >_<
so sorry!

but I'll tell you the things that I wrote in this post.

my boyfriend told me that he didn't know what I am to him anymore.
he didn't sees me as his girlfriend anymore.
at first I think it will be just fine and everything will going to be alright.
because it'll hurt me when I think about it too much.

and when I think about it,
maybe this was also my faults.
I've been hurt too much, then without realizing,
I've built myself walls so nobody can hurts me.
that's why maybe he feels the distance that I made.
I'm afraid.
that I'm going to fall too deep.
because in the end,
it will be me, myself who climb up to the top.
and it's not that easy.

and there's nothing I can do.
it's not like I can force my feelings to him.
it's not like "you MUST love me like I love you"
it's his feeling and I can't control it.

and because it actually my faults,
there's nothing to be sad about, is it?

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


aaa blogspot,
I'm so sorry for abandoning you for so longggg.
dec 2011 and now is at the end of jan 2013.
well it's too late but I just wanna say merry christmas and happy new year first.
may all of your wishes will come true this year.
okaay.. so heung~
there are a lot of things happened to me this past 2 years,
there are too many things I wanna talk to.
 so here's the important part:
1. I took the science class in my second grade of senior high school.
2. I choose to be a tour leader when I grow up.
3. I spent my holiday (17-26 June 2012) in South Korea yoohoo~
4. I watched Big Bang's Concert on Oct 13 2012 cool huh?
5. My grades.. I don't even want to talk about it lol
6. I hm. enjoy my life you can say?
7. I have a boyfriend lol.
it's already like one year and a half since I spent my life without any love life,
and that's amazing ~~~
lemme talk about it a little bit.
so, it's a bit different from before.
he's 2 years older than me so it means that he's a univ student.
he used to be live near my house, but now we're in the different city,
but still in the same island thou, Java.
so we can't meet frequently and I already forgot how to lovey dovey blablabla with a bf.
I forgot. ha. and it makes me afraid to lose him ~~
I don't want to talk about serious things.
because it will turn out to be awkward.
we.. maybe, maybe I'm just a little kid.
Imma spoil kid, and I'm so sorry.
well, just wishing it will stay longer.
I just want this relationship to be fun, and no tears or harm lol.
thank God I still remember this password huh?

seeyou soon!